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6. Cheats & Scripts

6.1. Bug-Using is not allowed

Any kind of “Bug-Using” is not allowed. Players abusing unintended exploits that give an unfair advantage will be penalised on a case-by-case basis depending on the intent and impact on the matches. Possible penalties may include team warnings, forfeiting of one or more match rounds and / or league bans for the offending player.

Intent and impact: When it comes to judging the intent and impact of a rule break, the way ETF2L generally looks at these cases is based on what the player wanted to achieve with or what they gained from it, even without intent due to an act of negligence, as well as how often and where the rule break occurred. Some cases are easier to evaluate than others when it comes to the direct impact on the game.

  • Examples:
    • Someone using a panic script in the spawn room once in an official versus someone doing it to taunt the enemy team after each round win versus someone using it multiple times in front of opposing players in a fight, making themselves harder to hit.
    • A Sniper using a transparent scope the entire match versus a Medic off-classing as a Sniper, using it only in pre-game.

Some exploits, modifications or scripts may give a constant advantage throughout the entire match, making their impact more indirect, thus using those will more likely lead to an immediate punishment rather than just a team/player warning. Furthermore, someone who is repeatedly installing and uninstalling a modification/script is not likely able to claim they were not aware of it. Ignorance of our rules is not an excuse either. With regard to an unusual bug, script or modification we advise players to use common sense and ask the ETF2L staff before using it in any TF2 match.

  • Examples of banned exploits:
    • Reverse Quantum Crouch or any similar methods that bug hitboxes, visually or non-visually
    • Bugging player model animations (e.g. entering civilian/reference poses)
    • Bypassing the server sv_cheats setting to enable any in-game cheat command like showing wireframes, removing map fog, thirdperson mode etc. (punishable with a Cheating ban if used anywhere in TF2, see 6.4. Game Modifications)
    • Damaging/Killing players during setup time
    • Abusing record;stop to see invisible Spies
    • Pyro: Any methods that extend crit or invincibility times when using the Phlogistinator.
    • Pyro: Methods that massively extend the range of any flame thrower fire particles via exploits, e.g. by tricking the game to calculate that you are currently in a high velocity movement state while actually being stuck in the air.
    • Pyro: Storing the stomp ability with the Thermal Thruster.
    • Engineer: Exploit that allows you to double hit players, buildings and sappers with your melee weapon in a single attack.
    • Sniper: Crouch Sniper Peeking / Cornersniping
    • Sniper: Any method that allows for a faster re-zoom in order to use the time gained during the reload animation to negate the headshot delay, allowing you to hit headshots as soon as the weapon is able to fire. As an example: cl_autorezoom 1 and jumping is allowed; however it is not allowed to take advantage of it in an impactful way via a combination with special movement (e.g. c-tapping) or the usage of map terrain (e.g. doorways or low ceilings or higher elevated areas/props) with the intent to negate the headshot delay.
    • Using weapons with bugged names to exceed their intended symbol limit and being able to hide crucial information in most HUDs.

6.1.1 Abusing Map Bugs is not allowed

A spot on the map is commonly banned if:

  • It gives players the possibility to see things they shouldn’t be able to (e.g. looking through walls).
  • It gives players a way to shoot others without other players being able to shoot them.
  • It doesn’t work on both sides of the map.

Wallbugs are not considered an exploit unless they meet any of the criteria above.

Most commonly seen banned map spots include:

  • Upward: Building a teleporter in the dropdown spot on the 3rd point, using the resupply cabinet through the wall at RED’s forward spawn.
  • Gullywash: Shooting through the shutter on last and taunting through the ceiling of elbow.
  • Product: Bugged skybox spot.
  • Steel: Using flamethrowers to damage players on A through the steel sliding doors.

If you are unsure about the legality of any sneaky spot on a map, please contact an admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to clarify the situation and prevent complaints from your opponent.

6.2. Cheats are not allowed

Any kind of cheats are not permitted. Players who are found guilty of using cheats or game exploits or illegal scripts or modifications categorised as cheats (see “6.1. Bug-Using is not allowed”, “6.3. Scripts” and “6.4. Game Modifications” for some examples) anywhere in TF2 will be banned from all ETF2L competitions according to the following:

  • First Time: 2 Years
  • Second Time: Permanent Ban

There is no appeal process for cheating bans. ETF2L league bans for Team Fortress 2 VACs count as a cheating ban. Players who attempt to evade their cheating or VAC ban on ETF2L will receive a permanent ban. This ban may be appealed if the conditions of [6.2.1 Permanent Cheating Ban Appeals] are met.

Example situation: A player is caught cheating by the Anti-Cheat staff and is banned from ETF2L for 2 years. After the unban the player receives a TF2 VAC. The player will then be permanently banned from all ETF2L competitions

6.2.1 Permanent Cheating Ban Appeals

Players who have been permanently banned from ETF2L for cheating may appeal their ban if certain conditions are met:

  • Their permanent ban was applied at least 2 years ago.
  • There have been no attempts to evade their ban. This for example includes creating alternate accounts on ETF2L or sharing accounts with other players.
  • They have not cheated again or received a TF2 VAC during their ban time.
  • There have not been any substantial behavior reports made against the player after their ban.
  • The ban did not happen after a previous appeal was already successful.

In order to file an appeal, please contact our admin staff on [Discord]. Decisions will be made at admin discretion.

6.3. Scripts

Scripts that allow a player to perform an action in-game that they would not be able to execute without the script, or scripts that purposefully disrupt the player’s hitbox are banned. Scripts that freeze or glitch the player model (e.g. in mid-air to be less predictable) to make it harder to hit are also banned.

Usage of banned scripts will be penalized on a case-by-case basis, depending on the intent of the script and the impact on the match. Possible penalties may include team warnings, forfeiting of one or more match rounds or default losses, and / or league bans for the offending player.

  • Examples of banned scripts:

    • Charge-turn script (this includes the use of other peripherals to achieve sharper turn angles)
    • Panic spinning script
    • Freeze-glitching via spamming hud_reloadscheme
    • Scripts that enhance a player’s sense of hearing (also see 6.4 under sound file manipulations)
  • Examples of allowed scripts:

    • Duck-jump script
    • Null-cancelling movement script
    • Rocket/Detonator jump script
    • Übercharge mask script
    • Team say scripts
    • Medic radar script
    • Loadout changing scripts and quick respawn scripts
    • Viewmodel and crosshair switch scripts

If you are unsure about the legality of a particular script, please contact an admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to clarify the situation before using said script in an official match.

6.4. Game Modifications

Modifications that give the player a massive gameplay advantage are strictly forbidden. Players who are caught using banned modifications in ETF2L officials, scrims, PUGs, officials of other leagues and any other matches in a competitive-like setting will be penalised on a case-by-case basis depending on intent and impact of the modification. Possible penalties may include team and player warnings, forfeiting of one or more match rounds or default losses and / or league bans for the offending player, with some modifications leading to cheating bans even if used outside of TF2 competitive-like settings (see below).

  • Examples of banned modifications:
    • Box/Square shadows
    • Surface texture modifications that function like a wallhack
    • Software sound enhancements or audio/sound file modifications or edits using surface properties that make gameplay situations far easier to detect (e.g. increasing the volume for Spy cloaks; Medic’s Ubercharge sound)
    • Transparent Sniper scope
    • Removing map props (e.g. the rocks on Product), or making them transparent intentionally
    • Making footstep sounds more audible at all times („metal footsteps“)
    • Oversized healing particles
    • Switching sound files for rocket or grenade launchers or other weapons (e.g. using the stock Rocket Launcher’s sound with the Original or vice versa) is allowed as long as the modification has no impact on detecting other players or gameplay situations. We strongly recommend asking staff before replacing any sound files with custom sounds.

Modifications marked in bold will be punished with cheating bans if used anywhere in TF2 (see 6.2.). We advise all players to remove any of the modifications above from their game files in order to prevent reports and misunderstandings, even if the intent is to only use them outside of competitive TF2.

  • Examples of allowed modifications:
    • Custom HUDs
    • Custom hitsounds
    • Custom viewmodels and crosshairs
    • Removal of ambient soundscapes
    • Flat textures
    • “No-Hats” mods
    • Transparent Viewmodels (only in combination with r_drawviewmodel 1 to avoid transparent map props)
    • Changing the colour of overheal particles (without increasing their size, modifying the randomness of size patterns, changing particle positioning etc.).
    • If you are unsure about the legality of a particular modification, please contact an admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to clarify the situation before using it in an official match.

6.5. VAC Bans

As of March 15, 2012, any player with a VAC ban on the Source engine will be banned for two years. This rule also applies to any alternate accounts. Players with VAC bans that do not apply to Team Fortress 2 will not be affected. Multiple VACs on the same Steam account will result in a two year ban or a ban extension until two years after the most recent VAC ban, unless ETF2L receives proof which VAC affects (or does not affect) Team Fortress 2. Please contact the Anti-Cheat team on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to clarify the situation as soon as possible if you want to avoid a potential league ban.

6.5.1 Multiple Team Fortress 2 VAC Bans

Any player that receives another Team Fortress 2 VAC ban while already having been ETF2L league banned for a Team Fortress 2 VAC before will receive a permanent ban.

6.6. Exploiting the retry command is not allowed

Reconnecting to the server to reset your respawn time and gain an unfair advantage is considered exploiting, and may be punished with a Default Loss for the map and a Minor Warning for the offending team.

6.7. Masking ping is not allowed

It is prohibited to alter or mask your in-game ping in official matches. Players found manipulating their ping may be punished by a Minor Warning.

Private messages and friend requests on Steam etc. do not have to be acknowledged by our admin staff.