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2. Players

2.1. Every player has to record demos

Demo files can be requested by an admin or any player of the opposing team.

Admins may request demo files at any time until the end of the competition an official match was played in; a competition is considered ongoing until its wrap-up post is published. Admins may request as many files as they require.

After a match was played the opposing team can request demo files at any time until 48 hours have passed after an official match was scheduled to start. They can request demos from up to two opposing players, who will then have to provide their demos for all played maps. A team is only allowed to make four demo requests in a single competition.

Players have to record the entirety of their official matches. Missing segments of any kind (e.g. rounds, halves) can count as a missing recording and may result in a team Warning and an infraction for the player. As a rule of thumb, we advise you to check whether you have a demo file recording whenever you join a server, especially after a connection loss or a map switch. A player whose demo files have been requested has 72 hours to upload them, starting from the time the request was made. The demos have to be provided by the requested players themselves, teammates cannot upload demos for them. All requested demos up to 100 MB have to be uploaded to ETF2L; links to third party hosts will be ignored.

2.1.1. Penalties for not providing requested demos

Failure to provide a requested demo file before its due time (i.e. 72 hours after being requested) will result in a penalty for the player and a Warning being issued to their team. Multiple instances of requested demo files not being applied come with greater punishments for both the player and the team.

Warnings applied to teams that fail to provide requested demo files can be removed once those files are uploaded. Player demo infractions expire after four years and will not count towards future penalties.

  • Player penalties:

    • 1st time – no penalty
    • 2nd time – player is banned for two weeks from all ETF2L competitions
    • 3rd time- player is banned for two months from all ETF2L competitions
    • 4th time and onwards – player is banned for one year from all ETF2L competitions
  • Team penalties:

    • 1st time – Minor Warning
    • 2nd time and onwards – Major Warning
    • If a player was rostered in a team before being banned and is unable to rejoin after its expiration due to a roster lock being active, contact a League Admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to have the player reassigned to the roster.

2.1.2 Lower demo infraction limit for players with previous cheating or TF2 VAC league bans that are less than four years old

Players who have received an ETF2L cheating ban or a TF2 VAC league ban within the past four years have a lower demo infraction limit. As long as they have no prior demo infractions on their record in the past four years the following applies:

  • Player penalties:
    • 1st time – no penalty
    • 2nd time – player is banned for six months from all ETF2L competitions
    • 3rd time and onwards – player is banned for one year from all ETF2L competitions

Any players with two or more active infractions who were previously banned for the reasons stated above will not be punished retroactively.

2.2. Nickname rules

2.2.1. Nickname changes allowed

You are permitted to change your nickname once every 6 months.

To change your nickname you must contact League Admins on [ETF2L’s Discord server].

Note: Nicknames must be at least 2 characters long and some characters are not allowed.

2.2.2. Players playing in matches casted by an org must use their real nicknames

All players who play in matches casted by an organization must use their current ETF2L nickname. Team tags and sponsorship additions are allowed, but the nickname should be exactly the same as on ETF2L. Each incorrect nickname will warrant a separate Minor Warning, meaning a team can receive this punishment multiple times per match.

2.2.3. Offensive messages, nicknames and avatars are not welcome

We do not tolerate offensive team names/nicknames, avatars and messages regardless of where they are posted – this includes (but is not limited to) the forum, match comments, and in-game during official matches. Any form of offensive behavior, including offensive bind spamming in the in-game chat, is not allowed. Admins reserve the right to contact the players involved to have their name changed and will change offensive names on their own if the players are uncooperative. All cases are reviewed individually. Penalties may vary based on the severity of each offense, with any decisions being made at the discretion of the admin team. All circumstances will be taken into account.

2.2.4. Different nicknames during official

During an official match, teams are forbidden from using two or more similar nicknames within their players and from using characters that make player names invisible. Each player should be easily recognizable by their nickname.

2.3. Two team change per competition allowed

A “team change” counts as joining another team and playing an official match for that team. Every player is allowed to change team twice during a competition.

Note that changing from a “dead team” does not count as an actual change. A team counts as “dead” if, after the player in question has left its roster, the team did not play any other official matches during the competition.

2.4. No account sharing and usage of multiple accounts

Every player is limited to only one ETF2L account at any time. Creating multiple accounts or sharing one account between multiple players is not allowed. Multiple players from the same household (family, close friends, roommates, etc.) that may be sharing the same IP address must notify admins and use seperate ETF2L and Steam accounts.

Players caught creating multiple ETF2L accounts or allowing the use of their Steam account by a third party in official matches may face punishment, including (but not limited to) any or a combination of the following:

  • Deactivation of the ETF2L account
  • Reversal of the official match’s results
  • A Major Warning for the offending team
  • League ban for the player

Evading bans with the usage of alternate accounts or account sharing with unbanned players is strictly forbidden as well.

Each case will be reviewed individually and penalties will be assigned based on the severity of the offense and its impact on the competition.

2.5. No wiping of a player’s ETF2L history

We do not wipe a player’s ETF2L history (e.g. official match participations, team history) in any way, be it by deleting an account or by allowing a player to use a new account, while blacklisting the older account. Switching the Steam account linked to a player’s ETF2L account is possible however.

If you wish to change the Steam ID attached to your ETF2L account, contact admins with a reasonable motive and they will change it for you if your request seems legitimate. Admin discretion applies.

2.6. Flag/Nationality change

2.6.1. Flag change allowed in total

Flag change on ETF2L can only be done by League Admins. If you want your Flag changed, contact them on [ETF2L’s Discord server]. You can get your Flag changed a total of two times. This includes European and United Kingdom Flag. There are no exceptions.

2.6.2. Nations Cup

Joining a National Team (and not necessarily playing) whether it’s 6v6 or Highlander will be considered their finale choice of Nation. The player will have to play for this Nation and no other.

2.6.3. Punishment

A player caught trying to get a false Flag/Nationality change won’t be able to change it ever again, will receive 1 month league ban and a permanent ban from Nations Cups.

2.7. Player Experience

A players experience is determined by their last 3 active seasons in both 6v6 and Highlander gamemodes. A season counts as a “active season” if the player played at least 3 matches of the same tier in that season.

Playoffs matches in any tier count towards the tier above. 3 playoff matches or participation in a Grand Final of any tier will automatically count the player as a tier above the tier those matches were played in. For Premiership Grand Finals, this will also count towards player experience and count as it’s own tier above Premiership.

For the lowest tier played in a season, matches played from all seasons count towards player experience.

Note: Cups (pre-season cups, one-day cups, nations cup etc.) do not count towards a players experience. Highlander and 6v6 experience are valued equally between gamemodes.