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5. Servers

5.1. Be reasonable regarding servers

Both teams can agree on the server which both maps are played on, or agree to play one map on each team’s server. If cases where both teams fail to reach a compromise or more maps need to be played, a League Admin will provide the teams a server to play on.

Make sure the server is adequate before you start – complaints cannot be made after the official match.

ETF2L is an European League. Teams cannot force opponents to play on non-European servers. We strongly recommend using servers located in central Europe, such as the Netherlands or Germany.

5.2. Servers need to be password protected

All servers used for ETF2L matches must be password protected.

5.3. Unusual server settings may be considered cheating

The usage of servers with abnormal settings may be refused for matches by the league and/or be classified as cheating.

5.4. Servers must be started with “-sv_pure”

Match servers must have the parameter “-sv_pure” or “-sv_pure 2” in their launch options to support the sv_pure setting. The sv_pure Console Variable (ConVar) must be set to 2 in all ETF2L competitions.

5.5. Teams must be able to provide STV demos when requested

Teams must record STV demos for every official. Admins may request STV demo files at any time up until three weeks after the official match was played; admins may request as many files as they require. Only admins can request STV demos.

The responsibility to upload the files is on the team that owns the server or, if the server is owned by neither team, on the team that acquired the server. In case of a technical failure the demo file does not have to be uploaded, provided that evidence for the technical failure exists. Please be aware that server hosters only keep demo and log files for a limited amount of time. We recommend that you enable automatic uploads to or archive all of your team’s official demos until three weeks after the official was played.

Failure to upload a demo file until 72 hours have passed after the request will be punished with a Minor Warning for the responsible team. Repeated offenses will be punished with a Major Warning each. These warnings can be removed if the associated demo files are provided.